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19th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production – Circular Europe for Sustainability: Design, Production and Consumption

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The Multicriterial Assessment of Sustainable Residential high-rise Building Design

Habitation is the basis of social-cultural and economic context and it is an essential factor in the life quality for residents. Sustainable development (SD) is a comprehensive concept and includes all social, environmental and economic aspects. The concept of SD is a significant challenge in determining the relationship between environment and humans, and humans with each other. The dimension of sustainable social development has still scarcely researched. In recent decades, the construction of high-rise residential buildings (HRB) is increasing aiming at solving several housing problems. Initially, HRB were meant to optimize the land’s use in mega cities’ centres but, gradually, as the cities were developing, the need to construct HRB in urban areas has increased. The advantages and disadvantages as well as the problems of this type of buildings are exposed along with some initial conclusions about construction of HRBs. The first findings seem to prove that the design of HRB and collective habitats require physical, social, economic, and environmental and many other considerations to be taken into account to maximize the satisfaction of all the involved stakeholders.

Bahareh Maleki

Maria del Mar Casanovas Rubio



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