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19th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production – Circular Europe for Sustainability: Design, Production and Consumption

Papers Proceedings »

Circular Economy in Fashion: 3 case studies in Basque Country

Circular Economy has become one of the key paradigms to achieve sustainability development. It also has been seen as a solution to the challenge of resource depletion and waste and emissions generation that face companies and governments. The implementation of the principles of Circular Economy in companies has drivers and barriers. Innovation has been perceived as an important aspect in the transition from a linear to a circular economy. This study focuses in the role that innovation plays in companies that have a circular approach. This study presents some findings from the recent academic literature with the purpose of going deeper in the relationship of these two concepts. Then three case studies are analyzed: one specialized in outdoor garments, the second in children clothes and the third one in 3Dimension printing. They are companies in the process of implementation of circular economy or with a sustainable attitude to the management of the firm. Interesting findings can be drawn. One remarkable conclusion is the role of driver that the sustainability aim plays in important aspects of innovation such as Research and Development projects carried out by these enterprises in partnership with other institutions. Another relevant aspect is the fact that entrepreneurship appears motivated by the search for new methods or models to achieve efficiency in the processes or to solve the demands of consumers not covered.

Maria Jesus Alvarez
Tecnun, Universidad de Navarra

Silvia Perez-Bou
Escuela de Arquitectura, Universidad de Navarra


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