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19th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production – Circular Europe for Sustainability: Design, Production and Consumption

Papers Proceedings »

Environmental Assessment of WIFE Systems: A case study for an airline company

Sustainability is getting increasing attention due to growing world-wide concerns about environmental protection and adaptation to the environmental regulations in developing industries. Especially, aviation companies are searching new ways to develop efficient products and services that can provide continuous sustainability in the sector. Innovation in business processes and technologies will show positive impact in management of sustainable supply chain functions. One of the innovative projects in aviation sector is Wireless in-flight entertainment (WIFE) system. By using the system, passengers can connect on the internet with their own portable electronic devices (PED) during the flight. Besides, it provides reduction of size, weight and energy consumption. Also, the system meets customer satisfaction, reduction in expenses, additional income and operational effectivity for airlines. The aim of the study is to evaluate the WIFE system in respect of environmental aspect during the management of the sustainable operations. The study will be applied in a Turkish airline company by using multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) approach.

Elif Altın
Galatasaray University

İlke Bereketli Zafeirakopoulos
Galatasaray University


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