20th ERSCP - September 8 - 10, 2021, Graz, Austria
Graz University of Technology will host the 20th ERSCP conference, which will be held from 8 to 10 of September 2021 in Graz, Austria. More information at http://www.erscp2021.eu/
The European Roundtable for Sustainable Consumption and Production (ERSCP) is one of Europe's most remarkable conferences in its field and has taken place periodically since 1994. ERSCPs favour discussions about the key issues in sustainable consumption and production; the exchange of thoughts, knowledge, experiences and SCP proposals; and the creation of a European (also worldwide) community of research and practice in sustainable consumption and production. The main goal of the ERSCPs is to encourage discussion amongst stakeholders involved in sustainable consumption and production: businesses, public institutions, universities, institutes and research centres, NGOs, SMEs, professional associations, decision-makers, etc.
Graz University of Technology will host the 20th ERSCP conference, which will be held from 8 to 10 of September 2021 in Graz, Austria. More information at http://www.erscp2021.eu/
Progress on special issues based on the ERSCP2019: Journal of Cleaner Production (JCLP) and International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (IJSHE).
This award seeks to recognize the best research submitted and presented at the ERSCP 2019 conference by PhD Students and Early Career Researchers